The Croatian-Polish Scientific Network (CPSN) aims to formalize cooperation and create a forum for an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience in various fields and the implementation of joint scientific initiatives, integration of the scientific and professional environment, exchange of scientific and organizational information, bilateral and international research projects, as well as improving Croatian-Polish scientific cooperation. CPSN carries out its activities by preparing and implementing research projects, organizing meetings, conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, courses, including hybrid and remote forms, as well as conducting joint field research and research expeditions, organizing and participating members in scientific events, joint publications. The network is open to interaction with civil society.
The Croatian-Polish Scientific Network was founded on September 5, 2019, in Trogir during the XXVI International Conference GIS Odyssey 2019, at a session at the Trogir City Museum.

CPSN has its genesis in Croatian-Polish cooperation since 1993. This cooperation focused on the problems of building spatial information systems [GIS] and their use of theorists from many research centers and experts-practitioners. The result is 27 GIS conferences, 50 books, and 1136 scientific articles (as of December 31, 2020). The achievements are presented in the GIS 1994-2018 :